Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fun with Bulletin Boards!

Integrating math in art is always a fun twist! 3rd grade students are learning about place value in math...thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. To create artwork with this concept we talked about the artist Wayne Thiebaud who makes paintings of yummy desserts!...sometimes 15 cakes in one painting! We chose a 4-digit number to begin- for example: 4,635. The thousands place equaled a cake, the hundreds place equaled a pie, the tens place equaled an ice cream cone, and the ones equaled a cupcake! The artwork is made up of these images according to the number they chose. Delicious!

View the entire gallery of artwork at:

Drawing Figures

2nd grade students practiced their hand at figure drawing with wooden mannequins. They used watercolor pencils to draw and then had fun painting them!

Celebrating Eric Carle's 'Read for the Record' Day

To celebrate Eric Carle's stories and illustrations, many art classes recreated images inspired from his work. You can check out some of the projects at: Pictured is a 4th grade class making animals from the book, 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?' by Eric Carle. Check out Eric Carle's website!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome Back ACS Artists!

Are you ready for the journey?

Marc Chagall, 'The Blue House' 1917.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fun Art Websites for Kids

Updated at the right, I have now included fun art websites to visit and explore. Some of these websites are familiar to ACS students, like Mr. Picasso Head and Jackson Pollock. Have fun with these art adventures!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Please visit our School Page on Artsonia: The link below takes you directly to the artwork published in the 2008-2009 school year. I can't wait to get the 2009-2010 year rolling!

Arapahoe Charter School Page: Artsonia

This artwork was created by a Kindergarten student. Inspired by Kandinsky's
'Farbstudie Quadrate'. You can view this and many other works of art on the Arapahoe Charter School Artsonia school page. Remember to view past exhibits!